Tuesday, December 13, 2005

kya karooooon!!!!!

what is it i want........i go around preaching......telling people to feel what they know....know what they want....and want what they deserve.....n then i find myself often saying things 'people wana hear' from me.....its not what I wana say....it's what THEY want......its all a bloody game of W.A.N.T.S....

im a part of the system....this system affects my being more than me affecting its existence......Survival for the fittest is the mantra i see being followed everywhere i go....even in my sector....'Social Work' seems to be a BUREAUCRATIZED....CUSHY job....run by the so-called elites of our country....who work for the underpriviledged...deprived.....mind it.......only when their own kids go to the topmost....bratty schools....believe me....i've spent over 5 years with this specie...i breathe the same air they breathe....just somehow dont match at that element of selfishness that i clearly see in them.....I too am selfish...yes it is a very selfless yet selfish reason i'm doing what i do...feel what i do....it simply makes me happy...

Ani's right when he says....'Gauri..... just Be'.......


Sakshama said...

Ani's a wise one! Unfortunately not a single one... :(
Gotta admit, I love your stuff.
And he's right...
Just be.

Keep writing!

serendipity said...

Oye!Ani's mine...MINE...M.I.N.E!:-)......BUT YOU CAN HAVE HIM ON SUNDAYS....when he's not available 4 me....n btw...dn forget bout the phone...

serendipity said...

Dear Secondhelping..........nothins great..........nothins deep........tis all pure n simply...HEARTFELT:-)