Wednesday, July 26, 2006

This is something i read just now...n i quite liked it:

If a turtle loses its it naked or homeless?

P.S: I hate the rain today..
but i like what its done to the trees..


Quest World said...

I guess its both.
Being homeless in essence is as bad as being naked.

serendipity said...

thats right! i was cursing my fate of being drenched in water by rash car drivers while i tried to hide myself in an auto's little corner................

i saw a lot of people standing under flyovers and sheds...awaiting the rain to stop...

saw some men on cycles...drenched in the rain under no visibility......carrying wooden planks covered in yellow plastic....

i also saw a small girl at the Gargi college red light......performing her acrobatic moves while her mother tried to cover her little baby with an old piece of cloth....

Birds drinking water from puddles...

God has his own ways of showing things....i saw it today.

serendipity said...

its not my habit to observe...its in my nature...something that comes from within.....

But hey....its good when u get to see things others have ignored a million times...n u just sit there and! how can something so insignificant to the world.......make or break your day...

as a photographer......u should understand that...right!

serendipity said...

yes...i dont just write...i put my thoughts down on this blog.....thats all u need to do

Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested

Anonymous said...

Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!