Monday, January 29, 2007

the stench of hypocracy

x:i love my work..

y:but what do you get out of it?Repect?

x: No

Y: money

x:hardly, not what i deserve for sure

y:then why you in it?

x: coz.....i think of the kids...and what the experice with them gives me..i think of a dream...hyopothetical dream of moulding a new born orgnization to a matured one.

y: dont get emotionally attached..

x: i hasnt got me anything..

z: Hey but what about the moral ethics. Y you are discouraging her. she has to have the patience you see..Be positive..look here and youll see greener pastures..

y: im asking her to wake up...she will sooner or later....ive knon her for long...she thinks from her heart.....and leaves her head back home...she wont give up till she breakes down...and i dont want her to break down...i want her to kep dreaming under a brighter sun..

x: i dont know what to do...

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