Thursday, January 10, 2008

30,000000 times in a second, this mind-numbing, mind-fuking feeling of immense depth in the core of cornermost element of the universe hiding away from the glory of the the strength that can never be taken away, you can take can you take what is already taken away from you...feeling of power, of speed, of energy, of hands shivering, of thinking with an overcrowded mind, with an empty space full of overcrowing atoms rushing through the boundaries of the million things i said, through another million words that failed to penetrate into the practicalities of your imagination, as minutes tick tock against time and the retina expands into what it is not prepared to see, folded fingers gripping the palm with whatever is left in them, shying away like an amateur eucalyptus leaf from the east of your sun, setting and rising without having anyone to look at it, and i wonder what would it be like to finally SEE imagine a light that seeps through the web of your own grey dreams, a place where you never let me reside, turing it into black matter of blank labels, on a day that the earth will rise and then set in its own lustful horizon, speeding through the wee hours of the night on a road that was once intoxicated by my love in the color of the brown bruise under the eye of the wedding ring that faded in the fog of december that took it's last breath and said - Crazy Beautiful!


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