Thursday, September 18, 2008

if i were to make a big would definately be YOU..

Monday, September 15, 2008

HAPPY BIRTHDAY GUGU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For people who've made my day even before the actual date of my bithday..
For people who gave me the most memorable surprises of the the year..
For people who truly..truuuly love me
For people who need to be reminded about sending their gifts soon
For people who got me the most beautiful watch ever..and lash enhancing makeup turning me into a most wanted category of the season
For people who went a step ahead to make it super special
For people who still have to go on the 3081th dinner of the year with me
For people who forgot what this day was 2 years back
For people who mended my heart...and even those who broke it this year..
For people who held me stable during my state of emotional drainage..
For people who cared about me when i was 63kgs..and today that i am 46..
For people who spoil me and those that turn me wasted..
Thank You!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

for showing me what MORAL FIBRE truly is......and making an ordinary date worthwhile...

well before time..

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

there's something definately wrong with me turning 25 ...considering the whole damn world has driven me crazy that i should get married THIS YEAR if im turning gay in the next...

family, relatives and even friends start of the minute they get a glimpse of me...

i thought my plans of doing a PHD would actually delay the process by a year or two..but to my surprise..the world feels getting a match for an over-qualified, picky lady like me would be near to impossible by the time i stick a "Dr" title next to my name..

this is precisely the reason why guys pop out of nowhere in family dinners and formal functions..aunties' eligible sons dont really have the best time of their twinkling life when i rape them with my interrogation...almost making them realize how worthless their existence comparison to my cat laying kittens every six months...i mean you know how blunt this virgo can be...and these at my best....

but i have started to give times..because the world tries to force it down our f****d up heads how we are actually borne to PROCREATE...and not just to love....before i reach impotency...i might as well lay kittens myself..

the one thing i wana runaway and work in a developing country where noone knows what 15th september does to my life...

- yours (patiently)

Sunday, September 07, 2008

love is the most sold-out commodity of the current century...full stop

Monday, September 01, 2008


the ancient mastersdidn't try to educate the people
but kindly taught them to not-know
when they think that they know the answers
people are difficult to guide
when they know that they don't know
people can find their own way
if you want to learn how to govern
avoid being clever or rich
the simplest pattern is the clearest
content with an ordinary life
you can show all people the way
back to their own true nature
with two needles already pierced through my pierced through my nerve sucking out awesomely deep red colored blood for a god for saken blood test...the month that just passed...and the one thats going on dosent seem like bringing any reason to celebrate this year..

the report in the evening will show if ill have to be off "charnamat" for a good time..there goes any intoxicating plan for my birthday this make matters worse...if my body temperature continues to roar on the thermometer...i doubt any sort of a celebration..

price for turning 25!

really need to go to Munsiari this October....and if dosent showing symptoms of the next serial killer...