Monday, September 15, 2008

HAPPY BIRTHDAY GUGU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For people who've made my day even before the actual date of my bithday..
For people who gave me the most memorable surprises of the the year..
For people who truly..truuuly love me
For people who need to be reminded about sending their gifts soon
For people who got me the most beautiful watch ever..and lash enhancing makeup turning me into a most wanted category of the season
For people who went a step ahead to make it super special
For people who still have to go on the 3081th dinner of the year with me
For people who forgot what this day was 2 years back
For people who mended my heart...and even those who broke it this year..
For people who held me stable during my state of emotional drainage..
For people who cared about me when i was 63kgs..and today that i am 46..
For people who spoil me and those that turn me wasted..
Thank You!

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