Monday, May 01, 2006

Insomniac......not by will......

I havent yawned this much in ages....its been 4 hours that ive stepped in my office and all ive whole heartedly done is yawned....

Iv feel another 36 hours of continous sleep might just do the job....thanks to some,i have'nt had a sound sleep in days......

I desperately need to pass my time today...(not much work...the rest i dont want to do) ive come up with an idea that was better than staring at the watch....i decided to hear my favourite songs....

Beautiful girl(INXS) - 3/4 mins
Sail away(David Gray) - 4 mins
All i want is you ( u2) - 5 mins
Is there love in space( Joe Satriani) - 3 mins
December(Collective Souls) - 5 mins
Everyday you die a little( Relaxomatic Project) - 5 mins
Miserable(LIT) - 4 mins
Dirt(Phish) - 4 mins
Kiss from the rose(Seal) - 4 mins
Black(Pearl Jam) - 5 mins
Oh Me(Nirvana) - 4 mins.....

....the list is going on.....and im sort of managing to pass my time well....

Just realized how my parents have given birth to the most khatara piece on this planet...

cant read...going blind
Going Deaf(tinitus problem)
going cranky
bumped and hurt almost everyday
throat fu*****
sinus BAD
Lazy...sleepy....sick...stupid...(no...thats not me!)

(btw....Roops....please dont worry....why fear..when im there...i have the exact solution to your problem....and my social work partner has agreed to calm your senses down......:-)...Right Mr. Miyaki?

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