Friday, August 31, 2007

i feel sedated

i think im going to hit the atmosphere

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Heights of doubt

writing 7 e-mails in 3 days....and not sending any of them

Monday, August 20, 2007


am i still supposed to be counting days?

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

who decides where beauty begins
...and ends?

is there anything around me..
that is 'not' beautiful?
Posted by Picasa

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Soleil, quand vous ĂȘtes avec peux voler

Sunshine, when you're with me...i can fly

- Raul Midon, Sunshine

Saturday, August 11, 2007

the day you bit my toe nail

im back!...and when i say so...i mean 'i the sarcastic one' am back....oh yes and for some reason i feel its the wheather (lets blame it to the wheather.. it's very in)...

im hanging between just tooooo many things.....with my life turning into a 'Da Vinci COde'...i dont know for how long i can walk around with that question mark on my face...(no im not Paresh Raval from that Anil Kapoor flick...and i most definately havent drawn a question mark) but the look on my face resembles the sign pretty much...

Dear oh dear....were there less disasters in my life....for me to take up studies dealing with the subject...

lets see:
i was never going to be an Einstien : not creative
i can never be a female version of Gandhi: dont take no fukin shit
i often get confused between mitigation, preparedness and planning : there i cant get married to a man (or a woman)...
im not the Sharukh of im done with village visits
and im not duracell: i give up

my dissertation revolves around the follwing things that have been going on in my head..and if i were to put it together this is how it'll look:

An anlysis of the rural mindset of men, with special focus on risk mitigation measures dealing with people who preach, are retarded, and think they are always right, through an insight intoThe Tehelka Foundation's crispy spinach recipe ...

i dont see myself studying for long...because if i do...i dont see myself living for long...
anybody to mary me before the wrinkle under my eye starts to show!?!

p.s: the title signifies my deranged state of mind.....but im still a lovable creature :)